A high quality school – a high quality education – Secondary Vocational School Spišská Nová Ves

  • Investor
    Košický samosprávny kraj, Nám.maratónu mieru 1, 042 66 Košice
  • Implementation period
  • Location
    Spišská Nová Ves
Construction description:

The subject of the project was the restoration and improvement of the energy consumption efficiency of the Secondary Vocational Woodworking School in Spišská Nová Ves, consisting of insulating the perimeter wall and securing a suitable and necessary microclimate ideal for teaching purposes.

The project solved additional insulation using the contact certified insulation system BAUMIT. All the original wooden windows and entrance doors were replaced with plastic windows and doors as part of the project. Projekt riešil dodatočné zateplenie kontaktným certifikovaným zatepľovacím systémom BAUMIT. At the same time, new plumbing products were also delivered on the roofing structure and attic. V rámci projektu boli vymenené všetky pôvodné drevené okna a vstupné dvere, ktoré boli nahradené plastovými oknami a dverami. Zároveň boli dodané nové klampiarske výrobky na strešnej konštrukcii a atike. Also part of the reconstruction were the social spaces of the school, where the water distribution system, plumbing and other fixtures were replaced. A barrier-free entrance with anti-slip paving was built for people with limited mobility. Other things replaced as part of the reconstruction include the perimeter cladding, the sports floor in the school gym and the swimming pool, which was expanded with solar heating.