Angels Arena Sport Hall – Reconstruction and Modernization

  • Investor
    Mesto Košice
  • Locality
  • Date of completion
    02/2022 – 08/2023
Construction description:

The existing hall is located in Košice Old Town.

The reconstruction of the sport hall is planned based on the modernization of the premises and capacities, to reach the current standards for sporting events. The side stands in the existing hall will be renovated. Dressing rooms for the athletes, dressing rooms for the judges, washrooms, etc. will be built under the stands. There will be a passable buffet with preparation rooms, dressing rooms for the employees and related backgrounds in the entry section. In part of the original stands, in the basement, there will be a technical area accessible by sloping ramps. The basement will also hold a diesel generator as an auxiliary source of electric energy to ensure the completion of the match in case of power outage.
